Apr 23, 2013

Seeking Certified Nutritionist or Medical Professional to Help with Nutrition Booklet for Liberia

I'm looking for a certified nutritionist, or another person in the medical field, who is trained or at least well-versed in traditional foods, to help me put together a booklet on nutrition and natural healthcare in Liberia. 

During my time in Liberia I have had the opportunity to work with malnourished children and babies. Most of the foods and medications we used with these children were those that only people with a lot of money could use, and those who had access to expensive imported foods. 

In my research on traditional foods I am finding there are a lot of local and indigenous foods that if used or prepared properly could be very beneficial to sick or malnourished Liberians. Those who are poor or live deep in the jungle especially need guidance on what to do in the case of malnutrition or the care of a starving infant. There are also little changes they could be making to help maintain good health, and tips for using local food items for personal care.

I've not received any formal training in medicine or nutrition, so I know my knowledge alone is no enough for a project like this. I would love to partner with an individual who is versed in traditional foods and has a burden for helping people overseas. 

I can't pay anything for the assistance, it would have to be an act of charity. 

I would also love it if someone with artistic abilities could join us for illustrations, which are so important to the Liberian learning style. I am thinking of simple line drawings. The only requirement I would have for this is that the person be able to draw realistic looking African people.

I know many people in Liberia who are working with health and the care of children who could really benefit from a booklet like this, and I would love to see my knowledge in nutrition plus what I have learned from Liberia be combined into a helpful resource for these people.

If you are interested in assisting me with this project, or know someone who might be, please email me at ivorycmelodie(at)hotmail.com. I'd also appreciate it if you'd spread the word by sharing this link in any circles you think may be able to help.

Thank you!


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